Leases and contracts
Leases and Contracts
Parish Council
Community Centre Leases
Non Monetary Contracts
There are currently no non monetary contracts.
Kings Hill Parish Council Loans
An introduction to Parish Council borrowing
- A parish council may borrow funds but will normally require the formal written approval of the Secretary of State.
- Councils wishing to borrow will have to get in touch with the County Association, whether a member or not, to discuss the proposal and to obtain the Application Form for the Approval.
- Borrowing must be for a specific, generally capital expenditure, purpose detailed on the Application and in a Report to Council.
- Approval is required and no mortgage or charge on property is allowed.
- The Council will be required to demonstrate to the Secretary of State that the repayments are affordable and that the Project costs being supported exceed £5 per elector.
- If borrowing is being considered, the Clerk and Chairman should contact the County Association office as early as possible. Any formal decision to apply for and to exercise a borrowing approval has to be made by the Full Council meeting and not by a Committee.
- Usually loans are taken from the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB) at rates of interest that are very competitive. A parish council is a first class borrower based on the security of the council tax revenues. PWLB also understand the statutory position of the Council.
Loan A
This loan was taken out on 11th July 2002 in the sum of £115,00 for a term of 25 years.
The interest rate is fixed at 5.25 %.
The final payment will be on 11 July 2027.
The loan was for an extension to build parish council offices at the community centre.
This loan was repaid early in March 2024.
Loan B
This loan was taken out on 12th July 2006 in the sum of £500,00 for a term of 25 years.
The interest rate is fixed at 4.75 %.
The final payment will be on 11 July 2031.
The loan was for the youth extension to the community centre.
50% of the outstanding balance was paid in March 2024. The Parish Council intends to pay the remaining balance by 31st March 2024.
Kings Hill Parish Council
Kings Hill Community Centre • 70 Gibson Drive • Kings Hill • Kent ME19 4LG
Phone: 01732 870382 • Monday – Thursday, 9am – 5pm, Friday – 9am – 4:30pm
Email: clerk@kingshillparish.gov.uk
Parish Council
Useful Information