Parish Council
Parish Council
Through our website, the Parish Council will aim to guide you to the latest news, updates, events and Parish Council meetings, which will ensure that you know what is happening in and around the Parish of Kings Hill.
A Parish Council is the tier of local government closest to the people. It is not linked to the church in any way. The Council can respond to the needs of the community – delivering the services or representation it most needs. To do this well we need to hear from the community about local issues, so please keep in touch.
What does a Parish Council do?
The responsibilities of a Parish Council can include the provision and management of allotments, looking after open spaces and maintaining bus shelters and community buildings. A Parish Council can provide them itself, or by helping others (such as a charity) financially to do so. Councils are also the focal point for various local consultations. The Parish Councillors know the village and can represent its views to other local authorities.
What does Kings Hill Parish Council (KHPC) do?
KHPC is responsible for the following:
- The running of Kings Hill Community Centre
- Maintenance of the playground and green in Anson Avenue and other open spaces in Phase 1
- Maintenance of the playgrounds at Kings Hill Sports Park
- Installation and replenishment of green salt bins in residential areas
- The provision and maintenance of a bus shelter
- Kings Hill allotments
- Community notice boards
- Consulting on all planning applications in the parish
- Acting as a liaison between the community and other local organisations and councils
- A bi-monthly newsletter sent out to all residents of Kings Hill Parish
- Nominates representatives to serve on local voluntary, public and community organisations
Kings Hill Parish Council
Kings Hill Community Centre • 70 Gibson Drive • Kings Hill • Kent ME19 4LG
Phone: 01732 870382 • Monday – Thursday, 9am – 5pm, Friday – 9am – 4:30pm
Email: clerk@kingshillparish.gov.uk
Parish Council
Useful Information