(Documents linked below are not accessible and are mostly photocopies. Please contact the Clerk if you require further information).
Blaise Farm Blasts
The parish council would recommend the following two options if residents have any complaints regarding the impact of the blasts on their properties.
- Firstly, take photographic evidence and advise your insurance company.
- Secondly, make a formal complaint in writing to Gallagher Aggregates Limited.
Please email bill.bowley@gallagher-group.co.uk with the following details:-
- Your details.
- Your location.
- The date and time of the blast.
Please state that you wish to make a formal complaint.
Blaise Biogas AD Plant Odour
Odour Update:
In advance of receiving its formal Environmental Permit in the next few weeks, the new renewable biogas facility at Blaise Quarry, West Malling has been undertaking commissioning works in readiness for the plant becoming fully operational.
As the facility has been preparing to accept waste we have received a number of complaints regarding odour.
The facility has generated higher than normal levels of H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide) resulting in an odour impact.
Bio Construct is managing the situation to control the impacts from the site and is doing everything it can to reduce and remove the causes of the odour which has resulted in significant improvements to the situation, and will continue to do so.
Blaise Farm Quarry Visit - 21st September 2020
Kings Hill Parish Council were invited to Blaise Farm Quarry by the operators Gallagher Aggregates to discuss residents’ concerns regarding blasting at the site and to witness a blast and see the quarry in action.
The operators of Blaise Farm quarry work within the Kent County Council minerals approved blast monitoring scheme and always use blast designs which minimise the resulting environmental effects of blasting operations – of which ground vibration is the primary impact perceived by residents. Blaise Farm Quarry operators showed recent data demonstrating that the blasting events occur at levels of vibration significantly below the level limits imposed by the planning permission condition, and a long way below those necessary for the possible onset of the most cosmetic of damage. It was explained that relatively small changes in blast design (such as the direction of the blast) can produce noticeable differences in environmental effects and that it is very often these subtle adjustments that mean residents may notice a change.
The Approved Blast Monitoring Scheme stipulates that the ground vibration due to blasting is monitored in various set locations to ensure compliance with the vibration limit criteria. Monitoring results are submitted to Kent County Council for every blast carried out. The blast monitoring locations are selected for each blast to give a meaningful representation of the environmental impact in all directions from Blaise Farm Quarry.
Gallagher Aggregates would like to continue working with the parish council regarding public consultation and engagement, and regular meetings will be scheduled, particularly if concerns continue.
A summary of all blasts undertaken from June 2020 to the day of the Parish Councils visit is outlined below.
(Click image to enlarge)
Blaise Farm Extended Operating Hours
The parish council have received a letter from Kent County Council regarding an approved request by Gallagher Aggregates Ltd for extended operating hours at Blaise Farm Quarry to supply an urgent Brexit related contract for the Ashford Inland Port Project subject to certain conditions.
Blaise Farm Planning Applications
Application TM/88/1002/RVARA (KCC/TM/0121/2020) – Details pursuant to Conditions 4,7,8,12,17 and 27 of Permission TM/88/1002 relating to 5-year schemes of working restoration and aftercare, prior approval for static replacement processing plant and ancillary mobile plant and ancillary mobile plant and equipment, amended internal road layout, replacement weighbridge and weighbridge office, wheel wash, storage and staff welfare facilities and updated schemes of blasting and blast monitoring at Blaise Farm Quarry, Blaise Quarry Road, Kings Hill, West Malling; Gallagher Aggregates Ltd.
Approval was given to the application subject to the conditions which are set out below:-
- the details hereby approved shall be implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed beforehand in writing by the County Planning Authority (Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans and details); except for the temporary operations defined in condition (iii) (below), noise generated from operations at the site associated with the approved details shall not exceed 55dBLAeq, 1hr (free field) as measured at any noise sensitive property (Reason: To ensure minimum disturbance from operations and avoidance of nuisance to the local community);
- (iii) for temporary operations such as soil and over burden stripping, movement, storage and replacement, the noise level at any noise sensitive property shall not exceed 70dBLAeq, 1hr( free field). Temporary operations that exceed the normal day to day criterion shall be limited to a total of eight weeks in any twelve month period at any noise sensitive property (Reason: To ensure minimum disturbance from operations and avoidance of nuisance to the local community);
- Ground vibration as a result of blasting operations shall not exceed:-
- a peak particle velocity of 6mm/sin 95% of all blasts when measured over any period of one month as measured at any vibration sensitive location; a peak particle velocity of 12mm/s as measured at any vibration sensitive location; and a peak particle velocity of 15mm/sat the remains of the Chapel of St. Blaise. (Reason: To ensure minimum disturbance from operations and avoidance of nuisance to the local community); and
- all buildings, containers or structures outside the quarry void in the vicinity of the existing quarry offices shall be removed when no longer required for the effective working of the quarry (Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans and details); No works should be carried out which would in anyway affect the current alignment of Footpath MR286 until such time as the Public Path (Diversion) Order has been confirmed and certified and the diverted route is in place.
Application TM/19/2396 (KCC/TM/0211/2019) – Temporary development of an Anaerobic Digestion plant with ancillary gas-to-grid plant and associated infrastructure (part retrospective) at Blaise Farm Quarry, Blaise Quarry Road, Kings Hill, West Malling; Blaise Biogas Ltd.
This application has been referred to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government. and that subject to his decision permission be granted to the application subject to conditions.
- conditions covering operations ceasing no later than 20 years from the commencement of commercial anaerobic digestion (AD) operations,
- the removal of the facility and all associated infrastructure within a further 12 months and the restoration of the site to forestry, ecological and amenity after-use within a further12 months;
- no more than 75,000 tonnes of waste being imported to the AD facility each year (as proposed);
- no more than 78 HGV movements (39in /39 out) per day on Mondays to Fridays and 38 HGV movements (19 in/ 19 out) on Saturdays (as proposed);
- hours of operation(as currently permitted/ proposed but reworded to reflect the fact that the AD and gas to grid operation are technically carried out on a 24 hours a day,7 days a week and 365 days a year basis and that it is the deliveries and exports that are specifically restricted);
- any remaining construction work taking place during normal working hours; the waste catchment being as currently permitted; only organic waste (and associated packaging) being imported into or deposited, stored or processed at the facility;
- the removal of permitted development rights in respect of new, extended or altered buildings, plant and machinery;
- external lighting only being used where necessary and designed and positioned to minimise light spill;
- no open storage of waste, contaminated materials or finished products outside buildings, tanks and structures permitted for these purposes;
- the doors on the AD waste reception building remaining closed at all times except when vehicles or persons are entering and leaving the building or for maintenance purposes;
- all loaded, open backed vehicles entering or leaving the site being properly enclosed or sheeted;
- site fencing being maintained and repaired as necessary;
- the external colour treatment of all plant and buildings as proposed;
- no public deliveries and sales;
- records of waste quantities/ sources being maintained and made available to KCC on request; records of the dates and times of vehicle movements and their loads being maintained and made available to KCC on request;
- signs advising all HGV drivers associated with site operations not to travel through the settlements of Offham, Mereworth and West Malling unless they are collecting waste from within those settlements;
- measures to prevent mud or other materials being deposited on the highway; noise limits (for day to day and temporary operations);
- a potential contamination/ remediation strategy; prior approval and implementation of a sustainable drainage maintenance manual; surface and process water not being discharged onto land outside the lateral extent of the application site;
- no development taking place on the land within the application site to the north of the AD facility and west of the IVC reception building unless planning permission is secured for some alternative use; and restoration and aftercare (and related issues, including soil handling);
Kings Hill Parish Council
Kings Hill Community Centre • 70 Gibson Drive • Kings Hill • Kent ME19 4LG
Phone: 01732 870382 • Monday – Thursday, 9am – 5pm, Friday – 9am – 4:30pm
Email: clerk@kingshillparish.gov.uk