Our allotments are located at Kings Hill Sports Park and are open to Kings Hill residents.
Are you interested in having an allotment? For more information or to join the waiting list please complete the Allotment Waiting List Application Form and read the Allotment Tenancy Agreement for reference.
Allotment Interest Group
An allotment interest group has been formed and all allotment holders are welcome. Please contact the parish office if you are interested in joining. Email allotments@kingshillparish.gov.uk or call 01732 870382.
The construction of Kings Hill allotment site
Construction took place in 2015
Phase 1
Ground works were undertaken along with the construction of the main pathway in the site and the water supply/ standpipes were installed.
Phase 2
Rabbit proof fencing was installed around the site.
The allotment site was finally opened on 21st September 2015 and allotment holders were finally able to work their plots.
The Grand Opening of Kings Hill Allotment site took place on 9th November 2015.
The opening was attended by celebrity and veteran horticulturist Mr Jim Buttress, the Mayor of Tonbridge & Malling, Councillor Owen Baldock and the Mayoress Mrs Christine Balkdock along with a number of Kings Hill Parish Councillors. Mr Buttress opened the site by cutting the ribbon and was available to give advice to allotment tenants. Refreshments of mulled wine and carrot cake were enjoyed in the warm and dry of the Sports Pavilion.

Kings Hill Parish Council
Kings Hill Community Centre • 70 Gibson Drive • Kings Hill • Kent ME19 4LG
Phone: 01732 870382 • Monday – Thursday, 9am – 5pm, Friday – 9am – 4:30pm
Email: clerk@kingshillparish.gov.uk
Parish Council
Useful Information